Friday, December 22, 2017

at the beginning of fall 2017

as the kids get older i find myself taking less and less photos. i'm not sure if this is because we are running out of "cute" moments around here, or i'm just getting lazy.  anyhow, i don't want to get to the end of this year without doing a bit of reflecting on our fall.  it's been a doozy that's for sure.  3 in grade school has been a challenge.  it's so good for me to see our pictures and the life and learning we've managed to accomplish in spite of feeling overwhelmed at times. ;)

we ended our summer visiting our newest cousin, Joel Daniel!  he is the sweetest and we had a blast at the lake house we rented on lake lanier.

my mom is the best to have on road trips.  also, that book is SO fun to read aloud, if you can get over the messy house. ;)

ian lost his first tooth at aunt sharon's house in kansas!

last gymkhana of summer 2017!

the kids started their 1st, 3rd and 5th grade year at rmca. we love that place. 

backpacking trip with some of our oldest and favorite friends.

what in the world!? is that even real!?

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