Friday, December 22, 2017

more fall 2017

after our unreal backpacking trip to california we managed to catch the solar eclipse, pick some berries and apples at happy apple farm, celebrate our sweet ian boy turning 7 and squeeze in some school before headed out for our giant road trip with dave's family. 

these women, you guys.  i hope and pray you all have women like this in your life.  i'm the luckiest.

ian reads scripture at church!

ian at bat!

ian's first bronco game!

hot air balloons! 

labor day breakfast up in north cheyenne canyon.

our first poetry tea of the year!

denver zoo and pictures of penguins for preslie!

ian turns 7!

1 comment:

  1. football + star wars, I love it! sooo many fun pictures!! if you think about it, will you send me that one of us? love!!! Kelly
