ian was still a toddler in diapers at the beginning of 2013. he now feels light years away from the baby that he was just a short year ago.
ash was three.

and avery was 5

there was a newness to homeschooling that felt exciting, unnerving and completely overwhelming.

and God has been so faithful this past year to give me glimpses of the WHY behind all of my efforts of schooling these kids at home.

a year ago, on the day after Christmas, we found out that dave's thyroid cancer was back. we had several weeks of navigating some rough waters of telling friends and family and scheduling surgery.
it is so interesting to me to go back and look through blog posts from those few months. we were carrying a LOT, and i see pictures of school and crafts and videos of ian singing and playing with trains. God is so good ya'll. there is always some sweetness to savor. we are so blessed.

dave and i had back to back surgeries last february. my meniscus and his thyroid.

i seriously can't believe that avery finished her reading lesson book just last year. she is such a crazy reader now that it actually seems like FOREVER ago that we were working in this book!

her reading party was SO fun.

and looking at all of the raffle posts from last year gets me so emotional. we raised 5,000 dollars toward the super well program in uganda. big, BIG deal. and so fun.
and ash turned 4.

and we did THIS! oh so glad that i don't have potty training on the to do list for this year! :)
(but i'd do it in a heart beat if it meant i could have another baby....just so we're clear ;) )

avery had her last day of kindo
she turned 6!

last summer we were able to spend oodles of time with our cousins, including pulling off the infamous cousin carnival.

this was from a summer evening family walk! i can't WAIT for those again!
Baby Emi was born! :) she has been such a joy for all of us this year. the kids little imagination games often involve "kalwa, wuis and baby emi"
10 year anniversary trip to denver. hubba hubba. ;)
uncle matt and aunt rocio came in august! here we are up in buena vista.

my soccer camp kiddos from last year!
avery lost her first and second....and third tooth in 2013!

ian turned 3! and yes, i'm still getting over it. ;)
the girls continued to enjoy soccer this year and have really enjoyed starting a little bit of ballet!

we've loved having a first grader this year!
one last hurrah with the harms crew before they headed back to ghana. we miss them like crazy, but i'm so thankful for all of the time and memories made in the summer/fall of 2013. i treasure them!

it really is remarkable to me how i could continue to post picture after picture of 2013. so many sweet moments and memories that God gave to us.
the beginning of this year feels very raw to me. we've been dealing with sickness for four weeks. i've felt like i've been in a homeschooling rut, like the newness has worn off and i'm kind of just trudging through right now. i've lacked inspiration and motivation. i've missed dreaming and planning. i'm usually always in dreaming and planning mode, so it's been discouraging to simply be surviving my days. we are also towards the end of our first whole30 and i actually hate my life right now....but that's a whole other post. ;) and i cannot tell you the hope that has been infused into my mind and heart as i've looked through the past 12 months. He is always there, isn't He? when i can't dream, He is dreaming for me. when i'm uninspired, He is the one that breathes inspiration. when i have no motivation, there He is, leaning in, providing hope and life and joy. i believe it, because i see it in the last 12 months. i see our beautiful life laid out before us and you know what? it isn't all on me. i don't have to have everything ultra planned out and prepared for beautiful moments to happen. beautiful moments will happen, not because of me, but because of Him. oh my sweet Jesus, thankyou.
this year is yours Lord.
i thank you right now, in this moment, for all of the beautiful things that Your hand will do in us and through us. and in these next 12 months, let us notice the sweet things of each day and may we be softer, less dependent on ourselves and more reliant on You, the One who makes beauty from ashes.
use it all, Lord.
every last piece of it.
thank you Jesus that nothing is wasted.
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