so we have some amazingly talented friends. friends who love Jesus and make music....and they are seriously good. last friday night they released their 3rd cd "Make a Sound" and the concert was amazing. i am so thankful for the hours that they tirelessly put in in order to make these songs, this cd, and this concert a reality. we are very proud of fike and dana, proud to be their friends and proud of the way they serve our God.
we've been listening to the cd all weekend long and i think we found out which song is Avery's fav.....
by the way, go get your own "Make a Sound" cd here
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
3 days ago
Very nice CD. I am normally pretty picky about my music but I liked this one. Bree & I listen to it in her room in the evenings while we are playing and building with her duplo blocks.
A budding back up singer for Fikes worship team - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaa!!!!
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