Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Here's to hoping....

waiting for a baby is a weird phenomenon. there is so much of me that wants her to come now and there is so much of me that wants her to stay in there for as long as possible.

i'm a list person. i've got this list of all of the vanguard stuff i would like to get done before ashton's born. i've got a list of all of the home stuff i would like to get done before ashton's born. and the reality is...if she would wait until i have everything checked off of these lists, she'd probably be born sometime in may.

so i'm at 37 weeks. full term. it is now officially legal for me to have this baby at home. and somewhere in the middle of getting everything done before she's born.....she'll be born.

so here's to hoping she'll be born soon, and here's to hoping it will all get done before she is.

1 comment :

Amanda said...

I can't believe you're full term already - that's awesome! I know what you mean about the weirdness of not knowing the timing. Today is the day in the pregnancy my water broke with Caiden - I find myself calculating constantly and driving myself nuts with the unknown!! Just need to relax :)