Feeling kind of "mommy'd" out
I want my two-year-old to not act like a two-year-old.
and I want everyone to love her.....but when she acts like that, how can they?
and i want to know exactly what to do for every whine, every tantrum and every case of disobedience
and I want everyone to think i'm doing this whole mommying thing right and not secretly think i should be doing something different.....
okay, that's it....
Opening the Gift of Gratitude
22 hours ago
agreed! C'mon! Are we asking too much?
that's exactly how I feel!
I love little Avery and I love YOU and I think you're doing an incredible job as a mom. Really hope you didn't sense or feel that way from me after we hung out today, friend!
Mandy :( It's okay - we all feel that way. Oliver (just turned 3) WEARS ME OUT. Like makes-me-wonder-every-now-and-then-if-I'm-depressed wears me out. I think it's just the 2-year-old stage. He just turned 3 and I really feel like things are getting better! But I question my parenting with him ALL THE TIME. I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing and surely I'm ruining him for life :) But again, I actually am realizing just now that I haven't felt like this in a few weeks, which has been wonderful! So just hang in there... you ARE a good Mommy... you love your girls so much, and that will get you all through the rough phases! Just when you think you're going to go crazy, they do something really sweet :) You're awesome!!
You know what you are doing right! Don't worry about what others think. You do what is most important to you, and as you know it all comes together. There are hard days, easy days, days where you feel like you are supermom, days when you really aren't, days when you have to really admit to yourself that you aren't, days when you have awesome energy and can do it all & days when you want to just fold up the house and give up. Life isn't perfect, as mom's we aren't perfect, and as toddlers our children are meant to drive us crazy.
My child will not let us put diapers on her! Yes, this is her newest thing to be defiant against our wishes! Jon has to (almost) physcially pin Bree down to put her diaper on! Most times she won't let me put her diaper on. I get a bit frustrated and sometimes I just give up and let her run around without one for awhile. I mean, I used to be able to put her diaper on her! She doesn't want to do anything I tell her half the time....sometimes I just lie on the floor and close my eyes, gather my energy and try again.
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