Tuesday, June 23, 2009

play by play

1. the beauty salon....veggie tales and yogurt
3. grandpa knows how to work the double stroller
4. made it to starbucks on the river....yes, it really is that beautiful and relaxing....
5.here avery enjoys her first chai frapp (oh yes she did laura...i'm sure you're so proud....and probably slightly jealous)
6. ashton and her make shift head support :)
7. laying down is way more comfy
8. stopping at the slide...showing off her ruffle butt, courtesty of gma
9. lunch on the "strip"
10. avery says "come cation ashton" translation "come on vacation with me ashton" :)
11. another shot of the ruffle butt....hilarious
12. love this pic for some reason
13. where did Rocio and Avery go? Oh there they are....
14. and here's what they were doing......brrrrrrrrr
15. over the river and back home for naps
16. back to down town estes for some Poppy's Pizza
17. waitin for our table
18. ashton got a bit tired of waiting

and that's a wrap....time for more decaf :)

love vacation. seriously love it.

1 comment :

Heidi said...

Ashton is so well-dressed on this vacation! Even with bows. =)