she jumped out of the stroller and plopped herself down by the "big" kids.
these pigs were super smart. it was a little cheesy, but i was super impressed!
(i know, i'm sooooo funny)
cowgirl Kayla holding patriotic Ashton 
well, we waved goodbye to the pigs and headed into the arena. and here is where the pictures stop.
ya see, avery sat for so long watching those silly pigs that she was all done sitting. it was time to run around. my visions of her quietly sitting on grandpa's lap watching the horses and laughing at the clowns dissappeared as soon as i realized that we would have to take turns coralling her.
and ashton...oh poor, sweet little ashton. she tried to fall asleep in the ergo, she really tried, but all the whooping and hollering woke her up every 5 min or so. so there was
and shushing
and bouncing
and taking her out of the arena.
you should of seen her nestle into her bed when i finally laid her down at 10. you could just see the relief wash over her little body as she instantly fell asleep.
it was fun and it was crazy...but man, whose idea was it to take a 2 year old and a 3 month old to a rodeo?
ya see, avery sat for so long watching those silly pigs that she was all done sitting. it was time to run around. my visions of her quietly sitting on grandpa's lap watching the horses and laughing at the clowns dissappeared as soon as i realized that we would have to take turns coralling her.
and ashton...oh poor, sweet little ashton. she tried to fall asleep in the ergo, she really tried, but all the whooping and hollering woke her up every 5 min or so. so there was
and shushing
and bouncing
and taking her out of the arena.
you should of seen her nestle into her bed when i finally laid her down at 10. you could just see the relief wash over her little body as she instantly fell asleep.
it was fun and it was crazy...but man, whose idea was it to take a 2 year old and a 3 month old to a rodeo?
You ARE crazy woman! But you know, you gotta get out and just go do things right? It might be crazy & you might question your sanity as to "why are we doing this?" But in the end it's all worth it, the adventures and traveling, etc. because one day you will look back and have no regrets! You got out and you did stuff with your family and the kiddos instead of staying home stuck in the house. :)
Which reminds me, this Wednesdays concert is the Springcreek Bluegrass Band, Woop Woop! 6 PM - We plan on going. Let us know if you wanna go, we'll save you a spot under a shade tree somewhere...
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