Sunday, December 13, 2009


"the offering" was today (our christmas production at church). it went so well. it truly is amazing how much work it takes to pull one of those things off.

what an honor to be a part of it.

i'm tired though. didn't sleep too much last night and it's been a long, fun day.

mel and merilee took off this afternoon. here are some pics from our party last night.....

merilee, riccarra, meredith, calli, mel, raleigh, ashton, me with a psycho smile, avery, rudy

me and merilee

me, rudy, merilee....too bad our hair isn't bleach blond anymore, huh?

avery and kajsa

he's been super dad this week. he really has. we've had lots of christmas parties, i've had lots of practices plus the 2 performances today, and we've been tag-teaming it quite a bit.


okay-regrouping tomorrow and starting a new list..... :)


Raleigh said...

and perhaps i blinked in the photo. or at least decided to squint real bad.

Courtney said...

i'm so behind on blogs...just got caught up on myrtle beach (LOVE THAT PLACE!) and your current stuff...looks like things have been blessedly busy!!!