Saturday, December 5, 2009


thanksgiving morning at the beach

i was proud of my turkey (and look at avery's shadow)


our apples and peanut butter turkey....avery was a little distraught when we all started eating it.

i can't believe i didn't get a picture of our table, or the food, or my family as we sat around eating turkey (sigh)
but i did get a picture of our pilgrim girl and our thankful turkey

when we asked avery what she was thankful for, she actually said ALL of our was adorable :)

i'm getting close here....really close. 2 more myrtle beach posts....maybe 3 :)


Anonymous said...

I think Thanksgiving at the beach is splendid! I think everyone should be at the beach on Thanksgiving! :)

Yes, the girls need to get together soon to play.

Hey, have you done Electric Safari yet? I was thinking about next weekend, but then I just realized I'm going to a play Saturday night, :(. Then I thought about the 19th but I'm out a girls night out with my co-workers :(...

I know I'm lame cause I work during the week. AAARRRGGGGHHH!

So, if you are up for Electric Safari we can do it during a week night sometime. Or a Friday night. Let me know!

Heidi said...

Great job on the various turkey crafts!