Monday, October 11, 2010

day one

well, we've got the first day under our belt.

(right before we started)

it was good. not awesome, but good.

(avery setting up our mats for circle time)

it was crazier than i anticipated!
it was messier than i anticipated! my house was a disaster by the time we were done.
it took longer than i anticipated! (oh yeah! i need to nurse ian and change his diaper.... and change little miss rice scatterers poopy diaper too :) )

(avery helped me set up ashton's rice bin---she gets a sticker on her chart for helping to "teach" ashton)

but we did it! ashton kept herself entertained while she managed to get rice ALL over! but she was happy (for the most part), so that's good :)


avery did all of her activities that i had planned

(first sticker on the chart)

Letters- 2 horizons worksheets, plus some letter fun with playdoh

Bible-worked on bible verse at church, sang "pharaoh, pharaoh", read creation story from the Jesus Story Book Bible which is AMAZING by the way, and did a horizons color/cut/paste sheet on creation

Art-painted pumpkins!

she liked some more than others and i think she was secretly jealous of ashton's rice bin.

she LOVED pinning the leaves up on our bulletin boards for "welcome fall" time.


she LOVED making letters (and hearts and lions) with play doh.


she LOVED singing Pharaoh, Pharaoh.
she LOVED painting the pumpkin.


i need to pray for wisdom on how to encourage her to "do her best"'s hard for me to see her scribble through a worksheet, but don't know if discipline is the right move. it's one of our "rules" so we'll talk about it on each preschool day and she won't get stars next to that rule if i notice her not doing her best. we'll see if that motivates her.

i feel good. i'm tired. a little dissappointed, but i know we made memories and i know that we'll all find our rhythm on preschool mornings.

and i'm super glad we're only doing this 2 mornings a week. phew! that was a lot of work :)


Daphne said...

with us, not doing one's best means re-doing it until you do

Amanda said...

Way to go! We LOVE the Jesus Storybook Bible. It's our before bed staple :)

Laura said...

YOU DID AWESOME!!!! I am so impressed. You are doing like totally real, full blown preschool. It doesn't go perfect when we send them to preschool either so don't feel so much pressure that it turns out that way. Most of the things that don't seem "perfect" to you, are things that are perfect for your kids. They are getting one-on-one concentrated time with you. You are investing in them. They are blessed, and you rock!!

If you buy a cheap or on clearance vinyl shower curtain or table cloth, you can put it under the rice bin and maybe make clean up a little easier. So glad Ashton enjoyed it.

Nothing ever goes as well as we plan for it in our minds. I can say that about most of our traditions. That does not negate what you are doing in ANY way.

Danielle said...

You are incredible, Mands. So creative, intentional, organized, and purposeful with your kids. I'm sure things will get easier for both you and Avery. But, you are an amazing mother and your children are blessed to have you. xoxo

Sandi Elsberry said...

Grandma Elsberry and I are very proud of you. You are such a blessing to your children. Someday you will look back on these days and realize what a precious time it was. Avery, Ashton and Ian are very special. WE ALL SEND OUR LOVE!

Anonymous said...

Wow Mandy, awesome! You know, I would have a difficult time doing pre-school with one child, let alone having the 3 that all need your attention! I am very impressed with your organization and ideas! Pre-school (in the home or out of the home) is so wonderful for kids it lets them really learn and be creative!! Hmmm...thinking I should take Bree out of her preschool and send her over to Mandy's !!! LOL. Take care and hope everything is going well! Your neighbor Kim (i am posting as anonymous too lazy to log in to my blog account).

kirstin said...

you are amazing!
also, Burke LOVES the Jesus Storybook Bible (we're using it for kid time in our fellowship group as well as before bed QT)!!!
love you!