Saturday, October 2, 2010


the three little houles are asleep. all in their respective cribs, toddler beds, and pack n plays.

dave built me a fire tonight. ahhh. it smells awesome and it sounds awesome with all of it's snapping, crackling, and popping.

we love fall in this house. october officially starts the "holiday season", you know.

avery helped me "bring fall" to our house last week.

everywhere we go she tells people "it's welcome fall time"

we are working on her "welcome fall" song skillz. here's a taste.

could not get that darn video to upload....i'll work on it tomorrow.

ashton is a giant baby. check it out.

and today we helped cousin kayla try on dresses and listed her pro's and con's of each and ended up with the most beautiful dress with a sassy sash and a retro flower in just the right spot. it's gorgeous, baby. and i can't show you the dress, you know, we wouldn't want the groom to get a hold of that picture ;)

but here's avery and ian chill-axing in david's bridal. aves even got to try on a flower girl dress.

goodnight all. ian's gonna rock it tonight. i can feel it.

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