Saturday, April 16, 2011

we hope in Him

they are gone.
ellen put her baby girls in a truck bound for arizona while they cried and begged not to go.
the pain is greater than she imagined.
please continue to pray for my dear friend.

and please pray for sonya and alissa.
they have lived a life of trauma.
they were blessed with one year of love and safety and security, and now that's gone.
i'm thankful they have each other.
and i'm thankful that God's love for these two is even greater than ellen's.

the girls were dedicated on February 13th at Vanguard. hundreds of people witnessed steve and ellen presenting these girls to the Lord. my grandma prayed blessings and protection over their hearts and we all agreed together to pray for these girls as they grow. to pray that they would follow Him.

on that day, laura and i presented ellen with a vintage pearl necklace. two pearls hang next to a simple silver rectangle. the pearls represent sonya and alissa and stamped on the simple silver rectangle is the word HOPE.

our hope for sonya and alissa is found in Christ.
our hope for sonya and alissa is found in Christ.
our hope for sonya and alissa is found in Christ.

pray that this truth will sink deep into our hearts. deep into steve and ellen's hearts.

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

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