Sunday, October 9, 2011

sleep and snow and why we went to iowa

the last two nights of our trip were rough on all of us houles; there was very little sleep involved. 
putting kids to bed on friday night, after we made it safe and sound, was delicious and exhausting simultaneously.   dave finally made it home from the rehearsal dinner and graciously promised to get up with any waking child and i fell asleep and stayed in the exact same position (i'm sure of it)  for nearly 10 hours.

i woke up to coffee and SNOW.  very excited that we made it back for the first snow fall.   

our first batch of snow cream of the season. 

and then we headed up to woodland park for a beautiful wedding in a cozy barn.  it was cold.  but amazing.  i love weddings.  i cried when rachel cried dancing with her dad.  oh my. 

and she claims that she, in fact, did not notice my earring mishap.  i do like her a lot. 

there are more iowa pictures to come.  but this one is, by far, my favorite. 

the whole reason why we trekked 14 hours in the odyessy with 3 small children, all tied up in one little photo. 

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