Sunday, July 29, 2012

we have these friends

redemption spills out everywhere from garrett and elaina's lives.


we've been in some type of living, breathing community with them for almost ten years.

i'm humbled and honored and so thankful for being able to have a front seat to the redemption that has come watching these two boldly live for Jesus and let him heal and use all of their scars for His Glory. it makes me cry.

this is my fav picture of them


so most of you know that elaina can sing. i mean really sing. and a lot of you know that garrett's passion and charisma, combined with his story, is, at the very least, powerful and inspiring. and to make a long story short, we drove a couple hours up the road to loveland last night, where we watched our friends use their gifts and scars to lead 35,000 (you read that right) people to God's heart for them at something called HeavenFest.

garrett's in the green shirt there setting up.

and guess who opened up for them?  switchfoot.  yes, switchfoot opened, g and e (and worship mob) closed.  true story.

God gave our friends a voice to this crowd.


you can imagine how proud we were.

when elaina came in on mighty to save i thought my heart might burst.  instant tears.

and when garrett shared about how God wants to redeem everything in our lives, how He uses all of the muck to make something beautiful, i prayed that these truths my friend was sharing would sink deep into the hearts of the thousands of people standing around me.


and in case you haven't heard his story, here it is.  it's almost unbelievable, in fact while he was sharing last night i was looking around at everyone thinking "man, i hope they realize that all of this actually happened."

amazed and thankful for the work of the Holy Spirit.  He moves.  He brings joy and peace and redemption.

Holy is the Lord.
How Awesome,
How Mighty is HE.


Nickie Knight said...

Wow! I love Elaina and Garrett! Do you have video of her singing?? anyone?

great post!


Anonymous said...

i have lots of video from last night!!! I'm going to give it to garrett and elaina and they can share what they like. it was awesome indeed. So proud of my brother and sis-in-love!

Unknown said...

Wow! What an incredible story!

Rocio said...

This is definitely incredible! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Rocio - if you want to see/her Elaina sing, just go to youtube, and search for WorshipMob HD. Also check out the song "Love Outran Me", written by Garrett & Elaina - on youtube. : )

Courtney said...

mandy - thank you for sharing that! his story. and His Story are SO powerful!!!