but i just have to say that we went out this morning, we were gone from like 9:45 until 12:30....two different stops....and she NEVER had an accident! she only went potty one time while we were out, but those big girl underwear stayed dry!
yeah avery!
i've mentioned before my love for fike and dana and their worship music. this past sunday (which feels like FOREVER AGO btw) they led at Rocky Mountain Calvary.

since you're probably wondering who the hot drummer is, he's my husband....that's right.
i am always so honored to be led in worship by them and i'm always so so so proud of them. (people were asking me about them and they sold HUNDREDS of cds)
i felt a little weird videoing them 'cause i was sitting right next to their senior pastor. that's why this is super short.
go here http://fikeanddana.com/ to buy a cd. you really should do that right now.
1 comment :
Congrats to Avery - I'm so proud!
One of my favorite things about Mandy is how much she loves her husband. He's pretty great, but Mandy, you adore adore adore him. I'm glad to see you lusting after your man while he's drumming!
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