Monday, August 24, 2009

at home with aves

so i'm trying to incorporate a couple of activities with avery into our weekly schedule. i'm really wanting to do a post about our "schedule". hopefully soon. i'm a little nervous about the full disclosure of the schedule, because i'm slightly worried about my follow through. i'm REALLY good at starting things. i'm REALLY bad at sticking with them.

but is what we did today. one of the things on our list was "make a handprint for daddy's office"


mixed paint with shaving cream and did handprints and fingerpainting.

it was FUN. i think i loved it as much as she did.

and here's what will go in dave's office


1 comment :

Anonymous said...

PRECIOUS. I am stealing your idea. Hope you don't mind! :)

BTW: where do you come up with these great crafty ideas?