Sunday, August 23, 2009

the bathroom

okay, now remember it's nothing fancy. but we love it. and he was surprised and thankful and excited.

do you know how much work it takes to give a bathroom a facelift? lots of little details. i worked HARD on this all weekend. and it's a super small bathroom. SUPER small.

it really is a bummer that i don't have before pics to show you. the after pictures would be WAY more impressive if you could see the before pictures.

let me describe the OLD bathroom to you....

picture blue walls. like a wierd light/sky blue. yuck.

picture NOTHING on the walls. NOTHING. except some screws sticking out with NOTHING on them. and a broken towel hook hanging/falling off of one of the doors.

picture holes in the wall and a broken drawer.

did i mention the BLUE paint on the walls? was pretty bad.

.....and here's what i did.

primed and painted 3..... 3! coats of white paint on the wall. WHEW! that was a LOT of work.


replaced all the hardware on the cabinets (including the toilet paper holder)


fixed the drawer (very proud of this one).

measured, nailed and hung some hobby lobby goodness. (i painted the d and m letters, the "&" symbol, and the "grace" and "faith" signs with some dark brown oil based paint......that was messy)



framed some "well-loved-by-us" pictures in sepia tone and hung them next to the mirrored cabinet.



put a little somethin', somethin' on top of the other cabinet.


new shower curtain, rod, trash can, and rug......and there you have it. our own little bathroom transformation. (which pretty much just means that it actually looks like a for real bathroom now)



kirstin said...

it looks terrific! way to go!
mid september sounds great... :)

Amanda said...

Hey! Is that pic of you and Dave the one I took at Rock Bottom - sweet! Nice work, it's always amazing how much time the "small" projects take!

Laura said...

Good job! I could not have done that especially without a hubby to watch the kids. You go, girl!!

Melissa said...

Nice work! It looks great!!

Danielle said...

It looks awesome, Mands! I love it. I bet Dave was so impressed by all your "renovation" skills. Wow, you had a BUSY weekend!

Anonymous said...

Mandy you are such an AWESOME decorator! I love it. It looks fab, now you have given me some inspiration for our bathroom upstairs. And some inspiration to "finish" the one downstairs. :)

Yeh, they are small aren't they? So strange, they put walk - in closets in these homes back in the 80's (surprising for the decade and the small home) but the bathroom in the master is tiny! Oh well, small home BIG life!

Joy said...

It's beautiful, Mandy!! I absolutely LOVE the little touches you put in...the towel holders, the D and M, and the Grace & Faith. You're a great decorator! Way to go :)

Megan Perea said...

It looks amazing! I'm super impressed, especially that you did that while you were home alone with the kids!

Heidi said...

Really awesome Mandy! I can't wait to pee in it......

Seriously, great job, friend. Love you.

Mike and Amanda said...

It looks AWESOME, Mandy. I just love it!!!!