Saturday, March 12, 2011

wine festival 2011

gungor is on the ipod dock.

ian is napping.

avery and ashton are meeting bob and larry with grandma and grandpa.

dave is drinking coffee with garrett. i'm praying for their time together. praying that God will use garrett in dave's life and the He'll use dave in garretts. i'm very thankful for that friendship. very, very thankful. two men striving with all they have to hear the Holy Spirit and walk where He leads. wow. awesome.

the 2011 wine festival happened last night and we were able to go free just by volunteering behind an auction table for an hour. sweet.

walked away with some blurry pics, but had a fabulous time.

elaina, rachel, and i

sweet and sassy rachel!

check out elaina's feather. it's attached to her hair! so fun!

megan and i. she's due in 6 weeks!


basically you walk around for 3 hours eating and tasting wine.
oh and you also get to watch old people on the dance floor.

last year


can't find any pictures from 2008. anyone have some pictures of wine festival 2008?


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