Wednesday, November 16, 2011

holiday traditions preschool class

did i mention that the girls and i are hosting a holiday traditions class?  well, we are, and today was the very first day. 

here's my little class just after they arrived.  we were working on turkey puzzles.  and look at that cute little turkey in his highchair!

we didn't quite have time to finish up our puzzles so we moved on to our paper plate ocean.  they loved this part.  blue paint and glitter was a success!  they made little puppets to act out the thanksgiving story.  their little mayflower puppet "sails"  across the ocean from england to america.  fun, fun.



while our paint and glitter were drying we read "mary's first thanksgiving"  it is such a great book! dave's mom gave it to the girls. 

then we acted out the story. 
here, the pilgrim hunter asks king asher if he can worship God.  king asher says "no!  not in my country!"

and then the pilgrim had to go home and pray and my face is like that because you should have seen his little face when he was praying his pilgrim prayer asking God what to do.  it was precious!

we made pilgrim hats for our families right before the mommies came back.  these are so easy and the kids really were able to do them on their own.


one fudge striped cookie
one mini peanut butter cup
white frosting with just a tad bit of yellow food coloring
an orange tic tac (when asking for another tic tac for one of their pilgrim hats, most of the kids would ask for another "tic tac toe"  so cute!)
and in case you were wondering who was taking all of the pictures, it was my wonderful mom.  she took care of ian and helped kids with glitter and cleaned up frosting when the class was over.  thank you mom.
i had a fabulous time this morning and am so glad that we have 3 more classes.  i felt like i was working at vanguard again.  next up, the legend of the christmas tree. :)


Amanda said...

Why, oh why did we move!?! tear :(

Sandi Elsberry said...

I loved being there and helping you, Mandy. You have such a gift working with these children. Avery, Ashton and Ian are blessed to have you for a mommy. I am so thankful for you - I feel very privileged to be able to be part of your life.

Heidi White said...

O my stars, what a gift to be a part of this! You should have seen Jack do the paper plate journey with Scott - o my cuteness. Thanks for investing in our family, lady!

The Moffats said...

LOVE the pics and the recap. When I asked Hunter what he learned he said, "umm..I can't remember." Nice to see that he not only learned something but also participated :) ha. When I showed him your pictures he did a lovely recap for me :) You are the best and we are so thankful to be a part of this. Love you and love your heart for our kids. Oh ya, and we love your momma too!! She is amazing isn't hard to figure out where your sweet, servant heart has come from. You are both incredible women. Oh, and that pic of Hunter praying by the window? LOVE.

Laura said...

Forget my kids, I want to come to the Holiday Traditions Preschool class!!

Christy said...

IS THAT HUNTER?!?! I'm wild about that kid!!