Wednesday, March 20, 2013

grace. even more grace.

yesterday was my grandma elaine elsberry's birthday.  she is now a beautiful 88 year old.

a treasure of a picture.  i only wish my handwriting was a bit more exquisite ;)

last week i was chatting with my grandma at my parents dining room table.  fearing the silence, i went to check on the kids, only to find avery writing in PERMANENT marker on one of my grandma's NEW notebooks.  i was so frustrated with her.  why, oh why does she continue to make poor choices?  i grab her by the arm and march her in to tell gg what she has done and ask for forgiveness.  i stand there and watch defeated avery, with her head down, force out an "i wrote on your notebook, i'm sorry."

and then, in an instant, tears were welling in my eyes.  you see, my grandma took avery into her arms and said

"oh! i'm so glad you wrote in that notebook, i was hoping you would! every time you come over i want you to write in this notebook. okay?"

i was floored by her grace.  
floored by her wisdom.
floored by what came out of this blessed woman i get to call grandma in that moment. 

here's a letter i wrote her for her birthday:

It’s the morning of your birthday, sweet Grandma, and I would like for you to know what a profound impact you’ve had on my life.  For the past several years, as I’ve raised my babies and you’ve been a very real presence during the winter months, I’ve notice the way you are so full of grace.  You have such a tendency to be soft toward people and it really is beautiful to watch.  I’ve been impacted by the quiet way you live for Jesus and for others.  How I want to be more like that.

Just last week when I caught my avery writing in permanent marker on your new notebook, my first thoughts were “what is wrong with her” “why can’t she just make good choices”.  When I brought her to you for an apology, your words and demeanor melted me.  I’m sure you are familiar with the les mis story, when the priest is told by the police “this man stole your silver” and his response is incredible, “oh no, I gave him those, as a matter of fact, he forgot to take the candle sticks!”.    Jean Val Jean was more than just pardoned; he was gifted with grace upon grace.  And that is what you did for my avery.  When you immediately took her in your arms and said “oh, I want you to write in my notebooks! And anytime you are here you can do that!”  It did something in my heart, showed me the way Jesus is, the way He loves, the way He gives grace upon grace.  That story will forever go with me, echoing in my heart as I raise these precious kids.  Thank you for being such an example for me and my children.  Thank you for praying for us and thank you for coming along side of me the last few years as I’ve raised money for jobs in the poorest of the poor countries. 
I love you.
Happy birthday!

we had her and grandma velma and my mom over for a birthday tea and had a fabulous time. 

the girls helped me make cranberry orange scones.

we had poetry readings

and a duet

and we gave grandma the entire set of "the borrowers" she was so excited! :)

we ended the morning with a little dance competition.  

it was such a fun and special morning.  so glad that she was still here in colorado so we could celebrate with her!

quick sidenote: gg elaine has supported every one of my endeavors with the adventure project.  that's pretty cool.  

raffle is at $3,580.  the water is rising.  join us. 

1 comment :

sandi elsberry said...

You did a great job honoring your grandmother!