avery was hard. i was so stressed out. and she was scared to poop. she was 2 and 2 months.

ash was a breeze. she really did it on her own. she was a week shy of two.

ian is doing pretty well. (he's 2 and 7 months)
he went a FULL amount of potty on the chair 3 times today. we were so excited! yesterday, he kept letting like 3 drops fall and then he'd get so excited about his sticker and chocolate chip. he saved up the real amount for the rocks outside and his pull up at nap time.
he is still having very minor accidents, just dribbles and then he'll hold it and go to the potty chair.
today, he was playing and a little dribbled out and he ran to the chair saying "mommy, can you teach me to potty?" it was adorable and then he went A LOT in the chair! yay!
day two is almost over. he's napping now and dave gets to take over when he gets home so i can go out with laura and ellen! hooray!
1 comment :
that's good progress...and that's what matters! :-)
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