Tuesday, January 27, 2015

january things

today two absolutely fantastic things have happened. 

first of all, i sent sally clarkson an email to let her in on some of the ways she's impacted me over the years.  i included my blog post about her (i'm getting red) and sincerely wanted her to know that yes, the calling that she has felt from the Lord has directly formed my vision for my mothering and our homeschool.  

well, today she linked my blog in her post.  so, no, sally didn't just randomly stumble upon my blog, and yes, i'm very humbled and honored that she would do so. ;)

second of all, avery taught ashton how to ride a bike! it was adorable.  avery was holding the bike and running along side of her and then ashton just took off!  she hopped off the bike, gave her sister a giant hug and then sprinted toward me and jumped in my arms.  

that was about 2 hours ago and she's been out there riding ever since. ;)

yesterday we went to the zoo!  some fantastic weather these past few days!

thankful for warm weather and new friends and kindred spirits in this big, homeschooling adventure. 

and you know you have a fantastic language arts curriculum when little house paper dolls are included! 

she has spent forever with these and wanted my phone to take pictures of her "sets".  i'll spare you the other 27 ones of pa and ma. :)

and calico critters work great with rightstart math. 

i love that the kids have been outside all day, but seriously, i wouldn't mind at all if it dumped snow on us again tomorrow!  

this was from a snowy walk when the streets were like ice rinks! so fun. 

sledding at portal park!

do you want to build a snow man?
why yes, yes we do. 

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