Monday, September 20, 2010

one week

dave's gone. he left this morning for san diego. i know, right? he will be gone for two nights and i'm missing him like crazy. thankfully my mom and grandma came over today to hang with us.

ian is one week old today. he's up to 9 pounds 1.5 ounces. way to go little man!


and we made some "welcome fall" cookies.

(um, it's pretty cool that my girls got to make cookies with their mommy, their grandma and their great grandma today)



i can't believe how young she looks in this post when we made them last year. crazy.

and here is ashton kate. i adore her. my heart aches when she whines for me to hold her while i'm nursing ian.




and i'm going to attempt mops in the morning. i may get there just as it ends, but we'll see.....getting out of this house with all three of my children is a huge step toward life feeling "normal" again.


Melissa/Mel said...

out of the house with 3 kids is no joke! (i did it a few times when my sister had her 3rd)...being a mom takes practice...i on the other hand was always late, and unprepared...

Laura said...

I don't think I went out for 6 months alone after I had Abby. When I finally did it, I lost Cody for a few minutes in Wal-mart and freaked out. I am impressed that you did it after only one week. Way to Go!! You Rock!!