Wednesday, December 22, 2010

so far

well, the last two days have been full and fun. i'm trying to soak it all in. trying to be in the moment.

we've been going over to my mom's right when the girls get up and heading home way past their bedtime :) this morning, i'm trying to play catch up with laundry and such. there are presents to be wrapped as well.

it's a cold colorado morning and i just finished sending a text to my dad about how he needs to keep the fire stoked all day today.

i saw snow forecasted for tomorrow on my google reader. :)

here's some pictures from sunday night while we waited for the foreigners to walk down the hallway out of airport security.





i've got the best grandmas. they both are fierce prayer warriors underneath all of their grandmotherly adorableness


matt holds ian for the first time

we headed home for a bday dinner for matt. cookies and cream ice cream cake. ashton was serious about this cake.

avery is in heaven with her aunt and uncle here. dave's been calling her "rocio's barnacle".

hoping your Christmas week is full of hope.

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