preschool on monday
do a dot letters

how our prayer chart works:
pick something out of the basket and pray for what color you get.
red-Praise God with your words. Tell Him something you love about Him.
orange- Ask God a question.
yellow- Ask Him for forgiveness.
green- Pray for your friends and family.
blue- Pray for the world.
she loved this. probably because we're finally able to do preschool outside!
i wrote the 7 letters avery struggles with on these stones and then she stood at the other end of the yard, as soon as i yelled a letter she'd run and stand on that letter. after she got them right she'd say "mom, say "you got a gold star.""
"You got a gold star aves!"
we had some long time friends over last night. friends we hadn't seen in close to a year, back when we both were pregnant, her with lilly, me with ian. anyway, you won't believe what they are doing. the crazy life change that they are about to embark on.
it's crazy.
they're crazy.
and i LOVE it. go read about what they're about to do HERE!
and then today, at mops, i find out that a chick at my table is moving her family to central america so they can learn spanish and volunteer and be together more. her husband quit his job; they head down there in july. and my jaw drops and all that comes out of my mouth is "you are so cool."
the american dream is slurping and sucking and swallowing up the life inside of us. can you feel it? these two families are sure that they were meant for more. that their dreams don't rise and fall with their iras. and that God is calling them out. away from normal, away from security and toward a Hope that this life, this here and now life, is meant for a purpose that is eternal.
may it be true of me too.
You should try LeapFrog's Letter Factory video. Caiden picked up his letters and their sounds really quickly and Rylan even knows a bunch of them now!
Love, Love, Love THe prayer chart! I love how it makes them think outside the box and not pray for the same thing every time. I am struggling with that at dinner time at out house - its the same parayer every night and want them to pray with praises not just requests! I think I will start this tonight! You are an amazing mom BTW :)
The American Dream is not slurping and sucking the life out of us, only if you choose it to be that way. You can still work and have a great life. Most people choose to exceed their lifestyles and then it begins to suck their life away because they become slaves to their own egos.
Totally stealing this prayer chart! I was thinking maybe you could make it for me so I could have it in your writing though. :)
Do you write your own curriculum or do you have a place you get all these brilliant ideas Ms. Mandy?
I think Anonymous is both right and wrong - and much of it hinges on how you define "American Dream." Freedom, to me, is the ultimate American Dream- freedom to choose how to live our lives. I don't think it has anything to do with "work." It's not work that is sucking the life out of people- it's the fact that slowly and unkowingly we've become trapped by cultural and societal norms. Could you sell everything you own and hit the road in the name of adventure tomorrow? Perhaps - if you really think about it- you're not quite as free as you'd like to be!
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