Sunday, March 10, 2013

believing in our "super" well

the water has been rising slowly, steadily since we launched the raffle on thursday.   dave helped me make a little thermometer that can hang out in the side bar reminding us of how far we've come and how far we have to go.

we are $1,180 dollars closer to funding a "super" well in uganda.

and it truly is amazing to me, because we are using who we are, are gifts, our talents, our resources,  to make sure that God's love is shown to a man or woman in uganda who is about to be hired and trained as a meter man or a well mechanic.

their life will change.  forever.

their life will be changed because jess bakes amazing cupcakes, and megan paints beautifully, and stacie and lindsay can sew, and megan and rals take stunning pictures.

and their life will change because you all are bidding. and yes, i know you hope to win this stuff, but i also know that you want to see heaven happening,  not "one day", not "one glad morning", not "when life is over", but right now.

hope where there was darkness.  clean water.
dignity where there was shame.  jobs.
peace where there was chaos. meters and mechanics.

thank you for believing in this with me.

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