Wednesday, March 11, 2015

some thoughts on world water day

some sort of stomach bug is making it's way through our house.  i was it's latest victim.

throw up is the worst.

fingers crossed that dave and ashton make it safely through the stomach storm, though i am worried that their fate is already decided.  hmmmmm.  we shall see.

in other news, the raffle post is coming along wonderfully.

i have such lovely friends with fun talents, but mostly it's their hearts that are so beautiful.  i'm nervous (i always am), but i do know that in heaven there will be no one who is thirsty.  there will be none who lack access to clean water and i believe with all that i am if we work toward people having access to clean water on earth, we are most definitely bringing heaven here.

your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

oh and please go here and vote for becky straw and jody landers.  they were on good morning america! crazy.  they are nominated for the dvf award.  if they win this, it would mean huge things for the adventure project.

would love for you guys to help me get the word out about the raffle next week.  it will be up on the blog bright and early on monday morning.  the two for one still stands. (be the first to bid on an item and get your name in twice for that item)

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