Tuesday, March 17, 2015

when there isn't enough

avery was sitting with me on the couch yesterday while i was working on raffle stuff.  i had the causevox page open and it was adorable watching her little eyes scan the page as her 7 year old mind worked to figure out what was what.

"you need to raise $8,000??" she asks with surprise. "i don't think you can accomplish that, mommy, it's too much."

and i laughed at her honesty, because really, i think it's too much, too.  

i put the computer down and pull her close, "oh baby. you are right.  mommy can't do it, it IS too much. but do your remember the story where the little boy gave his lunch to Jesus?" and she nods her little head as she looks up at me. "was his lunch enough to feed 5,000 people?"

"no, mommy, it wasn't".

"and what did Jesus do, even though there wasn't enough?"

"he made it enough."

"that's right baby, he made it enough. and this raffle is like our basket and we're trusting Jesus to make it enough."

and i suppose she still wasn't convinced that our basket had enough in it, because a little while later, she comes to me with two of her favorite horse books. "i can give you the money for these from the raffle, mommy."

here is a beautiful raffle add on from little miss avery houle.

5 dollar item

-two of avery houle's favorite horse books. (we will mail both to the winner!)

we go through an insane amount of horse books at our house. if you have a little girl who loves reading and horses, these are for her!

the rest of the raffle items here.

bid here.
donate here. 

1 comment :

Miss G said...

This has me near tears. Not just because of Miss Avery but because of Jesus. Your Will be done, Lord!! On Earth as it is in Heaven. Let's do this thing, you guys and may HE do BIG things through and despite us!! Kelly